Saturday, April 16, 2011

God's Puzzle Pieces

It is so amazing as a mother to watch how God works in the lives of her children.  Karleigh talks so much about going to Ghana and her faith is so strong.  It is so cool to watch how her puzzle is growing.  It's such a faithful symbol and reminder to her of God's faithfulness.  This is just so neat to watch and observe the relationship building between her and God. I know I must be rambling on but it's so amazing that's hard to describe. 

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for placing the love of Ghana into Karleigh's heart.  I know she is going to be your hands and feet when she is there.  She is excited to go and pour some love into children.  It's all because of YOU and as her mother, I thank you for choosing her.  In your name only, Amen!

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